About Us

CBSE, Affiliation No. 1931333), a Co- Educational Public school having classes from Pre KG to standard XII was established in the year 2004.

Our journey began with just over 20 students and to this day our commitment to our vision remains steadfast.

The school had its humble beginnings in June 2004. Our journey began with just over 20 students and to this day our commitment to our vision remains steadfast. Over the last 18years, we have been successful in providing an engaging and transformative learning experience for our students.

We continue to provide top quality infrastructure and facilities for our learners. Our teaching fraternity are committed to continuous professional development, as they embrace newer technologies and pedagogies that make learning meaningful, accessible and exciting for our students


GFC, aims to be an institution of excellence dedicated to produce the leaders of the future.

The education system engenders the development and growth of all five aspects of personality like Physical, Cognitive, Aesthetic, Emotional and Spiritual. GFC believes in cultivating good conduct, moral values, social capacity and self-confidence, developing positive traits and will-power in students throughout their lives, fostering each individual’s personal development. Qualified and dedicated educators promote self-confidence, integrity, perseverance, responsibility, self-respect and inter-personal skills, the key to the success of students. GFC strengthens the tender minds of students with high thoughts, higher ideals placing them for the highest work, to build a healthy and sound society.


Parents must realise that every child has its own talent, which, when identified at the right time will lead the child on to the right path parents must study and understand their children instead of comparing them with other children.

The most important part is that parents need to have belief and faith in their child. This will, in turn, lead them to develop their self- confidence and express their feeling without fear.

Parents affect the child’s development to the maximum extent. So , they must be extremely careful about the words they choose and their actions towards their children. They must always encourage the child to do what he does best and realise that he/she cannot excel in everything he/she does. Often, loving and encouraging words or a hug can go a long way in motivating a child. Positivity is a powerful thing indeed! Children will accept themselves better and understand each other if the parents do not compare them. The children are themselves conscious about their differences success and failure. If parent want to talk to their child about his and her area of weakness, it will be more effective to do it on a one-to-one basis in an unbiased manner. The more you restrain yourself from comparing your child, the better it is. Parent must pay heed to each word and action as it can seriously affect the child’s perception of himself/herself. Hence, they must realise that every child possesses unique abilities and he/she must not be undermined. One must avoid weighing one’s preferences over one’s child and ensure that the kids feels loved and accepted.

Each child is unique, the sooner the parents realise, the better it is. Every child is a winner.

MR. Ranganathan

Chairman, GFC Global School

Mr. John Doe

Advisor, GFC Global School


I am delighted to welcome every new member to

our GFC Family.

God’s mercies are new everyday, every month and every year. He has brought us thus far, enabling us to widen our horizons and to move ahead with futuristic visions and higher goals. While GFC has a distinguished record of service in the field of education and in the all-sided development of individuals through its devoted and dedicated work force, it is our responsibility to maintain this momentum and sustain the quality to ignite the younger generation with zeal to achieve their goals. I encourage all to seize every opportunity that pervades and permeates our campus, to discover their talents and potentials and map their career paths.


Technology by no means can be a replacement for teachers but yes it can be used effectively to enhance the earning process.

Empathy is a key area of difficulty for technology as it cannot detect emotional states nor can it adapt to behavioural changes. No matter how advanced the computer devices and systems are today they cannot bring to the class the vast knowledge and life experience of the teacher nor can it understand the student’s mood swings. The gentle part of appreciation and smile on the success of the student cannot be given by technology. Both have their independent impacts on education and a combination of the two will enrich the education system.

I strongly want to emphasis on the importance of the role of parents in the schooling of students whatever is being taught at school if not practised by elders in their home, why would any children have faith in imbibing those teachings? I think parents who feel that the school has the sole responsibility of fostering intellect in their children should be counselled on how lack of parent’s support makes it difficult for the students to acquire life skills.

Ms. Indhumathi

The Principal, GFC Global School

“Where a Team Works, Dream Works"

Our Team

The Guiding Lights

The very competent team at GFC which is quite professional and possesses expertise in individual fields strive hard to concentrate on each and every child, monitor and mentor them, appreciate their achievement and encourage them to overcome their shortcomings. All the teachers are given equal opportunities to evolve new ways of teaching. We firmly believe in the dictum of the Quote: "EDUCATION IS WHAT WE DO"

A teacher is a compass that activates the magnets of curiosity, Knowledge and wisdom in the pupils.

Teamwork teaches essential communication and social skills, such as active listening and effective speaking. In GFC Global Public School, the greatest resource that teachers have is other teachers. In our school staff works as a team to boost morale, improve interactions, and establish a culture of collaboration. When working as a team, students learn how to listen to their leaders and coaches in order to perform their individual roles. Students learn how to listen to one another in order to function as a cohesive unit.

Mrs. Indhumathi K


M.Sc., B.Ed.,

Mrs. Shoba E


M.A., M.Ed.,

Mrs. Priya S


B.A., Dip in Montessori

Mrs. Shenbaga Priya T


B.A., Dip in Montessori

Mrs. Charu Priya V


B.Sc. Dip in Montessori

Mrs. Monika K


B.B.M. Dip in Montessori

Mrs. Priya M


B.Sc., B.Ed.,

Mrs. Vidhunya P


M.Sc., B.Ed.,

Mrs. Priya D


M.A., B.Ed.,

Mrs. Keerthana B


M. Com.,

Mrs. Sumathi V



Mrs. Mubeen Taj



Mrs. Malathy G



Mrs. Kavitha P


M.A., B.Ed.,

Ms. Esther Ruth D


M.A., B.Ed.,

Mrs. Deepa S


M.Sc., B.Ed.,

Mrs. Lisa V


B.A., DT. Ed.,

Mrs. Suganya V


B.A., D.T. Ed.,

Mrs. Sindhuja N R


M.E., B.Ed.,

Mrs. Rubini S


B.Sc., D.T. Ed.,

Mrs. Asha K


M.A., D.T. Ed.,

Mr. Arul Dass R


M.Sc., M. Phil., B.Ed.,

Mr. Yokesh R


B.SC., B.Ed.,

Mrs. Aruna


B.Sc., B.Ed., M.B.A.

Mrs. Hemalatha S


M.A., D.T. Ed.,

Ms. Manju G


B.Sc., B.Ed.,

Mrs. Kamali G


M.Sc., B.Ed.,

Mrs. Rajee E


M.A., B.Ed.,

Mr. Mohamed Maideen M


M.Sc., B.Ed.,

Ms. Yogalakshmi



Ms. Sheeba Joe


B. Com.,

Mrs. Selvi L



Mrs. Vinnarasi R


M.A., B.Ed., D.T. Ed.,

Mrs. Anthoniya Anitha


B.Sc., D.E. LED

Mrs. Jayasree


M.A., B.Ed.,

Mrs. Bhavani



Mrs. Indhuja



Mrs. Anandhi


M. Com.,

Ms. Sangeetha


B. Com.,

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